The Dryer Doctors can help with all your grain handling needs.
We can:
* Design & build your new grain handling site with future expansion in mind
* Expand your current grain handling site to better suit your needs.
* Upgrade your existing equipment for piece of mind
* Help you find a grain dryer that will suit your needs now and in the future.
* Preseason your FFI or GSI grain dryer to ensure it will be ready come harvest.
* Grain dryer service during & through harvest, 7-days a week.
Grain Handling Sales & Service
Grain Dryer Preseasons & Service
AutoCAD Site Drawings Available
The Dryer Doctors can build your new grain handling site or expand your existing site with the use of a large line of different equipment, built to your needs & within your budget.
Every year The Dryer Doctors offer a dryer preseason inspection to GSI & FFI grain dryer owners. This inspection is meant to ensure that your dryer is ready before you need it come harvest. We also offer grain dryer service to GSI & FFI grain dryer owners. When it comes to service we are currently running 3 service vehicles & service 7 days a week through harvest.
The Dryer Doctors can help you design your new grain handling site with future expansion in mind or help you design an expansion project to your existing grain handling site with a 2D or 3D site drawing. With the use of AutoCAD & DraftSight we are able to fully design your site to your specifications while removing any doubts and giving you peace of mind.